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12-20【胡家昊】管楼1418 吴文俊数学重点实验室微分几何系列报告

Title:Topological resolution of singularities

Speaker:胡家昊   (纽约州立大学石溪分校)

Time:2019年12月20日         下午   16:00-17:30

Room:东区管理科研楼  1418室

Abstract:Steenrod asked the following question: can all singular homology classes be represented by manifolds, namely are they push-forward of fundamental classes of oriented smooth manifolds? Thom answered this question both positively and negatively: yes, for mod 2 and rational homology, but in generally no for integral homology. He observed there are infinitely many topological obstructions to “resolving the singularities” of a integral homology class, and constructed an example where those obstructions do not vanish. However, Hironaka later showed, using heavy machinery from algebraic geometry, that all complex algebraic varieties admit resolutions. The topological consequence of that is, all those obstructions discovered by Thom must vanish on algebraic homology classes of a complex algebraic variety, which is quite surprising. In this talk, I will try to explain what those topological obstructions are, and (if time permitted) show obstructions vanish for low-dimensional complex algebraic varieties without referring to Hironaka’s theorem.

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