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03-19/04-02【Jerome Buzzi】管楼1308 吴文俊数学重点实验室Dynamical Systems Seminar

题目: Strong positive recurrence for surface dynamics and beyond

报告人: Jerome Buzzi(Universite de Paris-Sud,CNRS研究员)

时间: 2025年3月19日(周三)19:00


地点: 东区管理科研楼1308

摘要: Following the vision of Newhouse, we show that smooth surface dynamics in positive entropy exhibit many of the properties of uniform hyperbolicity. We present a new property, which we call Strong Positive Recurrence. It is satisfied by all $C^\infty$ surface diffeomorphisms with positive topological entropy and implies many properties for the measures maximizing the entropy such as: finiteness, exponential mixing, almost sure invariance principle, etc.

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