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1. 报告人:周坚,清华大学



题目: 拓扑递归介绍

摘要: 我们将介绍拓扑递归的来源和与代数曲线的模空间上相交数的关系。我们将集中在谱曲线仅有一个分岔点的情形。

2. 报告人:宗正宇,清华大学



题目: Topological recursion and enumerative geometry

摘要: In this series of courses, I will first introduce the definition and basic properties of topological recursion. Then I will talk about the relation between topological recursion and enumerative geometry. I will give serveral examples including the Witten-Kontsevich tau function, the Weil-Petersson Volume, Hurwitz numbers, the Gromov-Witten theory of the projective line, and the Gromov-Witten theory of toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds/3-orbifolds. If time permits, I will talk about more examples and the relation to semi-simple cohomological field theories.

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