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2015年几何暑期学校系列课程【Mingliang Cai】

授 课 人:Prof. Mingliang Cai(迈尔密大学,USA)

课程名称: Riemannian and Lorentzian Geometry

课程安排:7月7日--7月29日  9:30-11:30(星期二,星期四),14:00-16:00(星期三)



This is an introductory course in Riemannian and Lorentzian Geometry. The prerequisites for the course are real analysis and general topology. The following is a brief description of the course.

1 Riemannian Geometry

We will give a quick introduction to di

erential manifolds and give a brief discussions of Riemannian metrics, including various notions of curvature.

2 Lorenzian Geometry

Basic notions in Lorentzian geometry will be discussed through numerous examples.

Hawkings black hole topology theorem and its generalizations will be proved here.

We will spend a signi

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